The Jodi Bouquet Sticker


Experience the joy and charm of beautiful stickers! Place them on any surface - your laptop, water bottle, fridge, and more! These stunning designs, created by Ottawa artist Mabz, are filled with intricate details that will bring a smile to your face (and your belongings).

Measures approximately 4" x 2.5"

Hurry! Only 2 left!

Learn more about less packaging

Experience the joy and charm of beautiful stickers! Place them on any surface - your laptop, water bottle, fridge, and more! These stunning designs, created by Ottawa artist Mabz, are filled with intricate details that will bring a smile to your face (and your belongings).

Measures approximately 4" x 2.5"

  • Timeless, functional basics

  • Designed and manufactured in Canada

  • Ethical fabric milled in Toronto

  • Every order helps local animal shelter

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